Friday, October 8, 2010

New Shows, New Experiences, New Faces, and New Shoes!

My Beloved Guernsey Friends,

New shows, new experiences, new faces, and new shoes: a very accurate summary of my year so far as your Guernsey Queen.  Being from the very northwestern corner of the West Coast, I have a slight disadvantage (that lately I have been constantly reminded of) when it comes to dairy shows.  You see, distance tends to get in the way.  And through my recent travels I have been reminded just how far away the major dairy shows are from my home state. 

(TANGENT: This past week at the Sea-Tac airport heading for Madison, the security guard who checks that IDs match tickets remembered me from passing through the week before on my way to Harrisburg, and was quite excited for me that I was attending another cow show – and then asked me to bring him back some dairy products!  This was a gentle reminder to me that we have the opportunity to share our dairy stories with those around us – people really do listen and remember!  As a tangent to that tangent, I have also learned through my traveling that sitting in the middle seat on a not-very-short airplane ride creates the optimal situation to intensely discuss agriculture and farming with those neighboring passengers who are secretly fighting you for the armrest.) 

This undeniable fact that I am on the outskirts of the “show-lands” made my experiences at both the All-American Dairy Show in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and the World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin that much more incredible.  I must confess that although I am farm-grown, I was not raised with a registered herd of dairy cattle.  This means that while I do have the practical experience of showing dairy through 4-H and FFA, I have not competed with the level of quality seen at these national shows.  And, to put it bluntly, I was in awe at the Guernsey cows that our breeders proudly showcased!  Our continually improving genetics, positive farm management, and dedication from Guernsey farmers across our nation and globe really do have people taking a second glance at our Guernsey cows – and why should they not be, “have YOU seen her lately?”

The All-American Dairy Show was my first time in Harrisburg.  Even from the get-go, the atmosphere of the barns was capturing – and Ashlee’s enthusiasm towards showing her girls Dream and Flirt enchanted me even further.  I was encircled by the spell of the love for showmanship, for dairy show friends, and for our incredible industry.  Although it was an exhibitor-based show, it was inspiring to see so many people in the crowd supporting their family and friends who were exhibiting in the ring.  My prime pinnacle of the show was perfectly presented on Monday with the selection of Junior Supreme Champion – it’s the Guernsey!!  Outside the show ring, I had quite the enjoyable times with Guernsey Youth members as they warmed up to having a newcomer at their show, and will not forget the memories of tasting hot sauce with the Ripleys and attending the banquet with the potato-lovers Kali and Amber.  I would like to give a special thank you shout-out to Ashlee and her family for taking such good care of me at Harrisburg – the Dietz family makes everything fun!

Having only previously spent a couple of hours at the World Dairy Expo, I was excited for the potential I could make out of this year’s show in Madison, Wisconsin.  Serving at the American Guernsey Association’s informational booth brought to light a mash of many different colorful perspectives of the dairy industry.  With delegates from 87 countries represented at this exposition, Ashlee and I had the opportunity to pose in a plethora of photographs - with the countries of their final destinations unbeknownst to me.  Also, living so close to the Canadian border allowed me to have a delightful discussion about the Prime Minister with a representative from Canada.  The quality of Guernseys on the “golden” sawdust was once again overwhelming to me.  Each and every one of our heifers and cows were exhibited with style and beauty that was only exemplified class after class.  

Thank you to the Guernsey exhibitors for making our breed so competitive on the national level.  I would also like to thank the Weimer family for everything you did to make this expo-adventure so fantastic for Ashlee and myself – Mike and Cindy, thank you for letting us hang out with you and commandeer your helpers.  Sarah, you’re still my inspiration.   Thank you to Spencer and Sam for the Wal-Mart ice cream run and the steak dinner (nothing makes Guernsey Royalty happier than ice cream and steak after a day in heels and tiaras); you gentlemen spoil us.  And I can’t forget, thank you to Seth, Brian, and Katie for everything – you have the best sense of humor!

Thank you for your continued support throughout this year,
Your 2010 National Guernsey Queen,

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