Friday, September 24, 2010

All American Dairy Show- Harrisburg, PA

Supreme Champion of Junior Show
Brooke & I
     On September 17th through the 22nd, I had the opportunity to travel to Pennsylvania for the All American Dairy Show. Being the first national show on the eastern side of the country, many Guernsey breeders and exhibitors made the haul to perhaps the largest Guernsey show of the season. What an exciting and thrilling week it was! One of the many events worth mentioning was the Youth Showmanship Contest that was held on Sunday. Over 350 youth participants were involved in three different divisons. I'd like to congratulate those who made it into the top 10. The best of the best across the nation show against each other so it is quite an honor if you do place high. Monday was the Premier National Junior Guernsey Show. I'd like to congratulate Nathan Pieper of New York for winning Jr. Champion with his heifer, Mia. Also congrats to Kelly Johnson with Candy of Pennsylvania for Intermediate Champion and Hunter Duval with his four year old, Regan of New York for Senior and Grand Champion. The Guernsey Queen, Brooke & I, also got to witness the Guernsey winning Supreme Champion that afternoon and be a part of the parade! What a thrill! When the words "Its the Guernsey.." was heard through the microphone, it was really exciting and made me proud that I represent such a wonderful breed. The National Open Guernsey Show was held on Wednesday. I have to congratulate everyone when I say there was an excellent amount of quality that passed through the ring. Top honors went to: Friendship Farm of New York for Junior Champion, Kelly Johnson of Pennsylvania for Intermediate, and John Violette of New York for Senior and Grand Champion once again with Regan! I know Brooke and I enjoyed ourselves on the sidelines watching the show and passing out ribbons. We even liked getting dressed up... well except the heels. Us farm girls are used to boots so they hurt after a while! Also, a highlight of the show was stopping by the comercial building. Grilled cheese and milkshakes filled my belly for the week. Also looking at antique items like milk bottles and Hoard's Dairyman books from the sixties.
Grand & Res Champion of Junior Show

    I would like to say thank you to the American Guernsey Association staff for taking good care of us during the week. The flight home to Columbus went well and now I am back in school for a few days until the next stop along the Tanbark Trail: Madison, WI for the World Dairy Expo! Looking forward to seeing those who were at Harrisburg and some new faces. Good luck and safe travels.

Ashlee Dietz
2010 National Guernsey Princess
R-Way Guernseys

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